








Lassies Sweet Vanilla


Vanilla is an American collie and she is from Kennel Lassie in Denmark. Both her parents are imported from America.


Tapesty American Design is her father and Luna of Tapesty is her mother. Both are owned by Winnie W. Ørngreen at Kennel Lassie.

Vanilla was born on April 11th 2003 and she has been trained since I got her.


She is a certified search and rescue dog and she is also a Danish Obedience Champion. She actually passed the search and rescue test 13 days after she became Danish Obedience Champion. So we have trained both at the same time.


She also enjoys herding sheep and she is quite good, even though sometimes she is too fast for me to catch up. But with a little more training, she could be quite good and in her opinion it is the best in the whole world.


She is a very happy dog who enjoys all kinds of training and she more or less follows me everywhere and is very close to me.


On January 23rd 2008 Vanilla gave birth to a litter.





On my danish webpage there are lots of pictures from Vanillas life with training:


Search and rescue training, Vanilla (in danish)

Obediens training, Vanilla (in danish)

Herding, Vanilla (in danish)


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